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LuminAID Lanterns

LuminAID Lanterns

This little Luminaid lantern is probably the greatest item we have received in our subscription boxes from Cairn. These things are fantastic. We have taken them on our backpacking trips, as well as every car camping adventure. They are compact, lightweight, solar powered and give off enough light to cook after dark and keep the inside of the tent softly lit when its too chilly to stay outside. 

They attach easily to the outside of a backpack or tent by a loop and carabiner. We keep them in the sun a fair amount of the time when hiking, and have never had one die. They seem to glow forever. They fold flat to about the size of a smart phone. When ready to use, they quickly inflate with a breath or two, and it gives off plenty of light to cook, read, or enjoy a card game in the tent. 

On top of this being a great product, the company is even better. The two founders (women!)  created these little lights during the relief effort in Haiti after the 2010 earthquake. They are now marketing them to hikers and campers, but they continue to provide them in relief efforts all around the world.

Taken directly from LuminAID.com

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Backpacking Boy Scout Trail

Backpacking Boy Scout Trail

Hiking Laguna Canyon - Willow/Bommer/Big Bend

Hiking Laguna Canyon - Willow/Bommer/Big Bend