Andrea Likes Birds

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Let's Hike: Up Ryan Mountain (JTNP)

If you are interested in an easy to follow, somewhat strenuous, and amazing view packed hike in Joshua Tree National Park... this is a great choice! This hike will have your legs and lungs burning, but the views make it all worthwhile!

Ryan Mountain stands tall at 5,457 feet above sea level, and towers over the vast desert landscape of Joshua Tree National Park. The views at the top are stunning and you'll quickly forget what you just went through getting to the top. 

The hike starts at the Ryan Mountain parking area, which can be a crazy parking lot during peak times. Fall, winter, and spring are always the busy times in this park, due to the nicer weather. These are the prime times to take on this hike, too. Avoid hiking this trail in summer, unless you are equipped and prepared for some intense heat and sun. This is also definitely a hike you want to start early in the morning - cooler weather, fewer crowds.

Find your parking spot, apply lots of sunscreen and fill the water bottles, and you can even visit the vault toilets in the parking area. Once you're ready, head for the easy to spot trail start and get going. Almost as soon as you start hiking, you'll run into stairs and start climbing. This doesn't really stop until you reach the top. While the hike is a short 1.5 miles to the top, it is literally a climb right up the side of a mountain and it will feel just like that. 

The trail winds around the mountain, and at times, seems to approach a summit, but then keeps going. A very well marked, and well traveled, trail will keep you on route - just keep following the trail until you get to the top. Really close to the peak sign, there is a great outlook area with some amazing views. A little beyond that, the sign stands out in the open and is hard to miss. There is a pile of rocks up there that people like to climb on to really get to the "top", which is a little funny.

Better yet, there are a lot of bigger rocks on the summit that make for great spots to take a break and enjoy the view. We packed along our sit pads and some snacks, and enjoyed a summit beer, too! 

The descent is much easier, as it usually is - but it can be a knee banger. Trekking poles are commonly spotted on this trail, and for good reason. The trail is considered strenuous due to the steepness and the quick climb, but it is very doable for most hikers. The park has installed stairs in the more steep areas to help, and while it is definitely exerting, it is so worth it at the end. 

The 360 degree panoramic views will give a birds-eye view of this huge park and how far it stretches. The Joshua Tree grows at the peak, and far off in the distance. One in particular catches our attention on this hike - both back in 2015 and again in 2018. It's intriguing to see how little this tree had changed in over 3 years.

We prefer to take this hike early in the morning, to take advantage of cool temps and lighter crowds. That said, if you can find a parking spot near sunset, this hike is also amazing for the evening hours!

Quick Tips:

  • Take sunscreen - there is little shade on this trail.

  • Start early - if you want cool temps and fewer fellow hikers, the earlier start is better. This trail gets busy, and the parking lot gets full.

  • Pack water - this hike will induce thirst, so take along more than you'll think you'll need.

  • Wear good shoes and watch your footing - the trail is a steep drop on one side along most of the hike, so watch your step. It never feels unsafe, as the trail is very well maintained, but still, there is a big drop.

  • Take a layer - it is almost always windy at the peak, and that wind can be chilly, take a shirt or jacket to layer up.

  • The hike is 3 miles round trip, with 1,075 feet of gain.

This is one of our favorite hikes in Joshua Tree. It can be a popular trail, but the climb seems to seperate people and the summit has plenty of space to spread out and find solitude. We always feel accomplished at the end of this hike (and ready for lunch)!