Andrea Likes Birds

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Hawaii Time: Birds of Kauai - the Condo Lanai

I don’t know how to share these amazing birds with you, and how fantastic our time on this island was… but I’m going to try. It was such a good time. This island is beautiful and there are so many good views, so many good birds, so much good food (and coffee!). We started talking about our next trip before this one was even over. 

My first opportunity to see some birds was the first morning on Kauai. We got in a bit too late the night before to see many, but the birds were quick to wake me up the next morning. Being on Hawaii time made it very easy to wake up early, but so did the symphony of birdsong that was right outside of our rental condo!

Hello lanai birds! First bird I heard - Common Myna!

A first bird I saw - Nene (Hawaiian Geese, endemic and state bird of Hawaii! Also endangered!) popped out of the bushes! These birds were a constant delight, they are adorable!

A Red-Crested Cardinal stopped by to say hi, too!

Warbling White-eyes, very similar to the Swinhoe’s White-eyes at home!

The most surprising, although expected, bird to pass by were dozens of White-tailed Tropicbirds. Like, one after the other, after the other passed by while I sat and drank my coffee! 

Soon after my excitement calmed (slightly), a Great Frigatebird flew by and I almost spit coffee across the lanai in my exuberance of this huge bird passing by!

Zebra Doves were mingling in the grass, and I got photos of them this time! (Missed photos of them in Honolulu!)

A Northern Cardinal dropped in for a brief moment, too - they will never not be thrilling to my St. Louis heart!

We also heard the local Red Junglefowl and White-rumped Shama, and saw Scaly-breated Munia, House Sparrow, House Finch, and Spotted Dove. That was just the first morning! Over the course of the next few days there, we made time to just be on the lanai and see what wandered by - also to just be on vacation and relax! We had quite a few repeat visitors, but also these cool birds:

Pacific Golden-plover - I love these birds!

Cattle Egret - so much fun to watch

White-rumped Shama - that posed for photos!

Here are a few more photos of our lanai birds and one Brown Anole (lizard):

On our very last morning at the condo… we got a little bit of that Hawaii rain, and a complete rainbow! What a view!

To see all of the photos from our time visiting Hawaii, visit these galleries:

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