Desert Adventures: Springtime Birds in Joshua Tree

Wandering around a beautiful oasis of granite rock formations and twisted Joshua trees, I met some of the most adorable birds I could have expected. I love the desert for the birds, wildlife, and plants, and I’m always really happy with being there and whatever I see. But this one time, I was so surprised.

This trip to the desert was during the early onset of Spring. The weather was beautiful - sunny and warm, low 70’s, with light breezes. We set up our campsite and I quickly grabbed my camera and wandered off. We were relaxing, reading some books, having some noodles, and birds appeared all around. Over the afternoon and into the next day, this was easily one of the best desert times I’ve had with birds. It was April 2022, and now in June 2023, it remains one of my favorite birding days!

Let’s jump right in - here are the birds that made this short weekend trip so amazing!

Gambel’s Quail

Ash-Throated Flycatcher

Hammond’s Flycatcher


Black-tailed Gnatcatcher

Phainopepla - with kids!

Black-throated Sparrow - with babies!

Costa’s Hummingbird

Rock Wren

California Thrasher

Northern Mockingbird

Say’s Phoebe

Some Lizard Friends!


Birding Hotspot: Exploring the Malibu Lagoon and Surfrider Beach


Orange County Pelagic Birding, Spring Edition!